We have a network of thousands of volunteers across the country to provide free, fast pick ups of your donation at your earliest convenience.
After we collect your donation, we determine how to it can be used to earn the most money, either by selling the parts or by selling it at auction.

You earn a tax write-off equivalent to the value it sells for, or for a value of $500, whichever is higher. 
We can proudly say that 100% of the proceeds of any donation are used to help find lifesaving organs for our patient members.
Sure! You can donate almost any car that doesn’t run. Just fill out our donation form here with that information, or give us a call at 1-800-385-0422 ext. 7 and we will come pick it up for free.
We are partnered with the biggest auction company in the U.S. When we receive your donation, it will be sold at auction or sold for parts -- whichever will earn more money. You will receive your tax write-off for the amount it sold for, worth at least $500.
Our tow-truck driver will leave you a temporary receipt at your door or in the mailbox when they pick up your donation. We'll mail your tax receipt to you once your vehicle sells.

Real Estate is a different process because we do not pick it up from you. We will have our attorneys draft all of the paperwork and get it to you for free. 
Earn money saving lives by becoming an affiliate of MatchingDonors and promote our services while earning great commissions. Learn more at our affiliate information website here.
Donations can be immediate and we prefer to get them completed quickly. We are here to help you through the process.
You will have expert advise you through the whole process and we will work with your accountants and CPA’s to insure you are getting the maximum benefit from your donation.
You can claim the deduction in the same tax year that the property was donated. 
One of the advantages to the donor is that the size of the tax deduction is determined by the current market value of the property, as opposed to the cost of the property when it was purchased. So if you purchased your property in 1988 for $112,000 and today in 2008 it is worth $412,000, the current value is what you base your tax deduction on.

You should discuss your tax situation with your Accountant or Tax Professional to determine the best action 
Any type of Real Estate including
  • Residential property
  • Vacant land
  • Apartment buildings
  • Condos
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Properties With Mortgages or Liens ( MatchingDonors has the ability to provide the necessary funds to complete a transaction to pay off existing loans, liens etc. and can even give some cash to the person donating the property if necessary)
  • Timeshares (accepted on a limited basis)
  • Hotels
  • Avoid Or Diminish Capital Gains
  • Receive a Charitable Tax Deduction
  • Eliminate Selling Problems
  • Simple to Transfer Ownership
  • No Real Estate Fees
  • Philanthropic Goals Are Met
  • Eliminates all selling costs thus increasing the owner's net tax benefit.
Yes, we are one of the few organizations that sometimes accepts properties with mortgages, tax burdens and those facing foreclosure. MatchingDonors.com can facilitate the donation of debt-encumbered properties. By using our own money the usual risks and issues that can arise when debt-encumbered property is transferred directly to a charity are negated in advance.

We will accept real estate donations from anywhere in the U.S.
No it will not cost you anything. Any surprise fees or processing fees will be covered by MatchingDonors.com. It is MatchingDonors.com’s responsibility to manage real estate state transactions so that there is no out of pocket cost to the donor.
We will send out a local real estate agent to check out the property before we accept it. There are very few things that will disqualify real estate from donation.
When we sell the property that you get donated to MatchingDonors.com we will pay you 15% of the net proceeds.  For example:  You find a property that is donated to MatchingDonors.com and we sell it for $500,000 we will pay a commission of $75,000.

You will be our listing agent.
We will take their information and have their tax situation evaluated by our professionals who are trusted experts in the field of charitable real estate gifts.
Any type of Real Estate including
  • Residential property
  • Vacant land
  • Apartment buildings
  • Condos
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Properties With Mortgages or Liens ( MatchingDonors has the ability to provide the necessary funds to complete a transaction to pay off existing loans, liens etc. and can even give some cash to the person donating the property if necessary)
  • Timeshares (accepted on a limited basis)
  • Hotels
  • Avoid Or Diminish Capital Gains
  • Receive a Charitable Tax Deduction
  • Eliminate Selling Problems
  • Simple to Transfer Ownership
  • No Real Estate Fees
  • Philanthropic Goals Are Met
  • Eliminates all selling costs thus increasing the owner's net tax benefit.
Historically, most charities have been unable or unwilling to accommodate gifts of real estate. A large percentage of properties offered as donations are rejected by the charities because of liability concerns, mortgages or liens, or environmental issues. Charities’ staffs simply don’t have the expertise, or the time to safely handle such donations and many of their  boards of directors discourage such gifts.
Donating to MatchingDonors.com is different and has many advantages.
Advantages include:
  • We are proactive in selling properties quickly 
  • Access an Untapped Funding Resource, we can accept any type of property and also take properties with mortgages, liens, taxes etc.. and we can pay off these mortgages, liens, taxes etc…
  • One Contact for Donor and Charity
  • Our Experts Guide the Entire Process
  • No Costs to the donor, Including Insurance, Taxes, Fees
Yes, We are one of the few organizations that sometimes accepts properties with mortgages, tax burdens and those facing foreclosure. MatchingDonors.com can facilitate the donation of debt-encumbered properties. By using our own money the usual risks and issues that can arise when debt-encumbered property is transferred directly to a charity are negated in advance.

Anywhere in the United States. 
No it will not cost the donor anything. It is MatchingDonors.com’s responsibility to manage real estate state transactions so that there is no out of pocket cost to the donor.
The Internal Revenue Tax Codes are updated on an on-going basis. Our experts are constantly monitoring IRS changes to capital gains taxes, ordinary income taxes, gift taxes and inheritance taxes so they can provide the most up-to-date advice.
  • Those that want  to help charities
  • Anyone that desires an IRS tax write-off
  • Uninsured catastrophes
  • Businesses with abandoned properties
  • Fully depreciated properties
  • Uninsured catastrophes that are more of a detriment financially to continue to maintain

Donors receive a receipt for a tax deduction equal to the highest real estate appraisal of the donated property.  The usual headaches associated with selling real estate with various challenges are eliminated.  Donors can feel good about giving back to their community without stretching their budgets.
 The following rules apply in order to establish a “fair market value” acceptable to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS):

The IRS requires that all property donated that has a value of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or more have a “qualified appraisal” to establish a “fair market value”. The appraisal must be performed by a “qualified appraiser” and must be attached to Form 8283 “ Charitable Contributions” and made a part of your tax return. It is suggested that you keep a copy of the appraisal as part of your record of contribution.
The charity will pay for the Title Search, Title Work, and any Closing Costs.
Yes. Sometimes it is more beneficial to sell a property, and make a partial cash donation at the closing to MatchingDonors.

Speak with your Accountant or Tax Professional to determine what course of action is most beneficial
No, any real estate of any size can be donated. For example:
Frederick C. Trump, the late father of real estate mogul Donald Trump, was a shrewd businessman who made an estimated $200 million in real estate. Seven years before his death in 1999, the elder Trump donated two apartment buildings, valued at approximately $33 million, to the National Kidney Foundation. The two buildings were expected to generate more than $600,000 in annual income for the nonprofit organization.

What was the reason behind Trump’s generosity? Doubtless the developer believed the foundation’s goals were ones worth supporting, but it is possible too that he, like many other high-net-worth individuals, donated the property to reduce the amount of estate taxes his family would pay after his death.

Of course, most Americans do not have a large real estate portfolio like Trump. But for those in the higher tax brackets, the donation of a Manhattan townhouse, a ranch in Montana or even an old family estate in Maine can help shave thousands, or even millions, off their heirs’ eventual tax bill–and do good works at the same time.
It is often financially preferable to donate properties to MatchingDonors.com,. especially when one takes into consideration costs of ownership: ongoing property taxes, maintenance costs, income taxes etc. or costs of selling: legal fees, brokerage fees, estate taxes, inheritance taxes and capital gains taxes. It also saves heirs the trouble of trying to divvy up the gains if the will is potentially contentious or inequitable. Sometimes there are intangible benefits as well. Often a donated estate will bear the donor's name, making the property a de facto memorial.

There is no correct answer to this question, every person and property is different. But for most people looking to donate real estate, a real estate donation has proven repeatedly to be one of the very best ways to rid themselves of unwanted property and a realization of a sizable / immediate, tax deduction. To learn more about your specific property and benefits, call our Director of Business Development at 1-800-385-0422 ext. 7 or fill out our contact form.
Real Estate Investing is about making money actively through the business of buying and selling houses for profit.  It is very possible to reap huge paydays through the fix and flip rehabbing side of the business. When your properties do not generate, it is time to think about a Real Estate Donation to MatchingDonors.com.
In the U.S., the Center for Disease Control estimates that over 10 percent of adults, about 20 million people, suffer from chronic kidney disease. Every day, 22 people in the U.S. die waiting for a kidney transplant, with the average wait time on the government’s deceased donor list being 7-10 years. MatchingDonors.com is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that is working hard to reduce that number by offering an online platform where those in need of an organ transplant can connect with living, altruistic members who are willing to donate. Because of our unique approach to organ donation, our patients can get their organ transplant within just 6 months of signing up. As a nonprofit, a large portion of our revenue comes from real estate, auto, boat, plane, and other donations.  
Once you spend a few moments reading through our site and speaking with our very knowledgeable representatives, you will quickly discover that MatchingDonors.com is unlike any other charitable organization you will come across. MatchingDonors.com is committed to helping those in need of an organ transplant. We connect those who wish to help with those who need help.

We are one of the few organizations that sometimes accepts properties with mortgages, tax burdens and those facing foreclosure. (Call 1-800-385-0422 ext. 6 for more information).